BNH3 is a mixed club that runs at 6:30pm sharp on Monday nights in the Northside suburbs of Brisbane.

We have runners and walkers and both the run and the walk usually take an hour (or longer if the Hare cocks it up). We have both fast and slow runners and walkers (and some who are simply too fat or lazy to run or walk and just like to short cut), so don't feel too bad if you are not an Olympic athlete, we all think we are at some stage in our lives.

Financial Members pay $15 per run which includes some drinks, hash tucker, humour, abuse and a bit of bullshit to go with it. That's right, we put the fun back into fundamentally flawed!

Visitors pay $15, however after 4 runs as a visitor, you will be considered as a member and are then obliged to pay subs which are $60

Next week's run:
Please offer to hare/co-hare.
Run No.DateLocationHareRemarks
243820 Jan 25Einbunpin Lagoon, SandgateRabbi & Raw Liver6.30pm start.
243924-26 Jan 25139 Sippel Drive, Woodford (Aussie Day Bash)Dog & Illegally Blonde2pm start.
244027 Jan 252 Vesace Avenue, Bray ParkLittle Squirt6.30pm start.
24413 Feb 25
Hare NeededHare Needed6.30pm start.
244210 Feb 2510 Homestead Court, DayboroTight Arse6.30pm start.


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